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Frequently asked questions

What is the proper term for a boy and girl rabbit?


A boy is called a buck, a girl is called a Doe. Bucks get neutered, does get spayed. A baby bunny is called a kit, short for kitten.


Should I get one rabbit or two?


Rabbits, by nature, are not pack animals. They are perfectly happy living all by them selves.   Two does may be able to live together, especially if they are from the same litter but by the age of 6 months when they reach maturity, one doe will begin to pick on the other. A real bully.  NEVER house two bucks together; they will fight to the death.


There is one exception to this rule. If all rabbits involved are spayed and neutered, then peaceful existence between them in the same house or cage is possible. Remove the hormones and you remove the problem, it’s as simple as that.


Usually the best luck comes with these combinations in this order:  Buck and Doe, then Doe and Doe, then buck and buck. Even at that, some have reported two neutered males will still fight.


You can’t just neuter the buck so it can live with the Doe. The Doe will want to get bred and will fight the male. You must spay and neuter them both.


I’m just getting one rabbit, should I spay or neuter it?


It's a good idea to get them spayed and neutered.  When bucks reach maturity, they will begin to spray. Neutering should stop this.


A spayed rabbit has a tendency for a more even tempered personality.  We had a family bring a nasty doe to our veterinary clinic to be spayed hoping to salve the problem. It worked! The doe became a calm, friendly house pet. The risk of uterin cancer is high in unspayed femae rabbits. The older they get the higher the possibility of cancer.


What age should I get my rabbit spayed or neutered?


About 6 months of age.  You don't want that buck to start spraying in your house. Having said that a rabbit can be spayed or neutered at any age.


Should I leave my outdoor rabbit outside in the winter?


Yes, rabbits can handle cold weather much better then the heat.  They are wearing fur coats. As long as they are protected from the wind and rain, they will be fine. Please see our housing page for more information on winter housing for your rabbit.


Can I bring it in just at night when it is the coldest outside?


Absolutely not!  Altering the rabbits body temperature between hot and cold will be a disaster for the rabbit.  They have naturally put on a thick winter coat to prepare for the cold. Bringing them in and out will cause havoc on their systems. If they are out, leave them out. If they are an indoor rabbit, don’t put them out in the winter. They won’t be able to handle it.


Should I get a buck or a doe, which one makes a better pet?


It's hard to say. All rabbits have their own personalities, some are nice and some are not-so-nice. For the most part, I find the bucks are more even tempered through out their life. When a doe turns 6 months old, some can occasionally become cage territorial, or become a little agitated because they want to be bred. Spaying helps this tremendously.


How often should I clip my bunnies nails?


Some need it as often as every 4 months, some only twice a year. Dog nail clipping scissors work best. It is important to clip the nails because they can get caught in the wire bottom of the cage, break off and bleed. Your local veterinarian can clip your bunnies nails.


When do they molt?


A rabbit molts about twice a year. It should be in the fall, when they put on a thick winter coat, and in the spring, when they shed the thick coat and grow a thinner, cooler coat. But it doesn't always happen that way. At any given time in our barn someone is always molting, it doesn't matter what time of year it is. Other factors can cause molt such as they type of feed they are getting.


Are there special grooming brushes that are best for molt?


 A slicker brush works best. It does a good job of pulling off the dead fur. When a rabbit is in molt, it is good to help them get that fur off with the brush or your own hands. The faster you get it off, the faster a new coat can grow. And it will keep them from ingesting the fur helping to prevent wool block.


Do bunnies need to be take to the veterinarian for vaccinations or yearly check ups?


 No, they do not need any vaccines or check ups. If your rabbit is sick, sneezing, not eating or injured, then by all means take it to a veterinarian. 



Do Rabbits need vitamins?


No, a good quality pellet along with fresh fruits, vegetables and grains will provide all the nutrition your bunny needs.


What about pet shops, can I purchase my bunny from them?


Don't even get me started on pet shops. That is about one of the worst places you can purchase a bunny (or any animal for that matter).  

Pet shops want the bunnies young, as young as 4 weeks old because they sell better at that age. Four weeks is way too young to be taken from its mother, the majority don't survive the first week. 


They are housed in a community pen. This is a disaster for a rabbit. There is a highly contagious disease called snuffles, if just one rabbit in that pen has it, then all the rest will too. Snuffles is not curable and will eventually end in death.


Speaking of community pens, rabbits can breed as young as 3 month old. (they should never be bred this young). Pet shop employees are not the most reliable resource to tell you if it is a boy or girl bunny.


You don't know the background of the rabbit. Who was the breeder? Was it raised in clean, sanitary conditions? Why are they selling it? And what kind of so-called breeder would sell a rabbit to a pet shop at the age of 4 weeks?


Please, use the internet to find a breeder near you. One you can ask question and get good information about your new rabbit. One who will be available to you after you get home to answer any questions or just talk about  rabbits.


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